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Our Foundation
Water is the most basic necessity for everyday life and survival, but millions of people do not have access to safe, clean water.
Access to clean water is a human right and we are working to ensure that greater water equality is achieved across the world.
In large parts of the world, unpredictable weather patterns lead to severe drought. Drought has a domino effect – first, there is no water to drink and second, crops fail.
Women and children suffer the most, often having to make the long walk to collect dirty water that stops them from going to school, earning a living and achieving their dreams.
We believe that we all have a moral responsibility to give back. The Heavenly Desserts Foundation was set up with the goal of providing people in developing countries with access to clean drinking water.

Lets get to work...
We believe everyone has the right to clean water to drink and a safe place to go to the toilet. When people have these things they can lead healthy, dignified, and productive lives.
Heavenly Desserts Cares works with worldwide charities that have access and infrastructure to deliver in the regions we aim to make a difference. We set aside an amount from our profits to give back to those less fortunate.
Our focus is water wells and pumps, this helps to provide safe water to drink, wash, and clean, to grow crops, and to water animals. This can lead to healthier lives, a better chance to go to school or work, and a route out of poverty.

Communities we've helped

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